Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem Services are the things that the natural world provides - such as air, water, storm protection, and pollination. 

We wouldn't be able to survive without them, so recently, there have been efforts to put a dollar value on them.  They want to do this, because it seems that in order to get any kind of acknowledgement, you need to have a dollar value on it.  This is difficult though, because it is hard to put a definite value on something that nature made.  At the same time, it might be worse if they just left no value on them. 

I think that we don't need a dollar value, we just need to pay more attention to these things.  I don't think that it is possible to put a dollar value on them.  Although, if someone disrupts one of these (say, clean air), it should be punished.

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