Ecstasy is a drug that is often taken during all night "raves" by young adults. And while this may be a popular drug, the side effects are immense, even when only a few doses are taken.
A study was done by Johns Hopkins University on just how destructive ecstasy can be, even in small quantities. They found that this drug is far more dangerous than thought previously. They studied monkeys and baboons who were given two or three sequential doses of ecstasy - the amount that is typically taken. It was found that ecstasy kills 60 - 80% of dopamine neurons that control movement, emotion, cognition, and pleasure. And that is after only 2-3 doses of the drug. In addition to these effects, a disease called Parkinsonism is commonly developed many years later.
From this evidence, it is clear to me that ecstasy is a drug that has serious consequences both in the short term and the long term. I think that if more research is done about this drug, further proving what it can do to your body, then perhaps the usage of ecstasy will go down, and more people will be saved from a devastating future.