Thursday, September 16, 2010

Did You Know? Drinking Too Much Water Can Kill You!

Contrary to popular belief, drinking large amounts of water isn't good for you.  In fact, it can make you very ill, and even kill you!

In the article, 'Strange but True: Drinking too Much Water Can Kill' it tells of studies done that show how drinking too much water can harm you.  If you don't drink enough water, then your cells shrivel up.  If you drink the right amount of water, then they are perfectly inflated with the water.  But if you drink too much water, then your cells expand, and if they expand too much, they explode.  Generally, in the rest of the body, it is hard for them to expand to the point that they burst - the muscle tissue around them expands with them.  But in your brain, you have your skull all around the cells, so they don't have any room to expand.  Therefore they burst, and you get a headache, and then you die (because all of your brain cells are bursting, fun huh?).

When I read this article, I was shocked that you could actually die from too much water intake.  I thought it was best to drink as much water as possible.  Now I am going to be much more careful about how much water I drink - enough, but not too much.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Felons Getting Organ Transplants

As of today, felons who have committed grave crimes have just as much access to donor organs as innocent people.  Should these people who have potentially taken a life have a right to an organ that could potentially save theirs?

This is the question that is addressed in the article 'Should Violent Felons Recieve Organ Transplants?'.  The author's opinion is that they shouldn't. 

I'm not sure if I agree with him.  I think that we need to decide depending on the person's crime, and if it is thier first time commiting the crime.  For example, if someone killed a person, got out of jail, and killed another person, they shouldn't recieve the organ.  But if someone broke into a person's house once, they should be able to recieve the organ - you never know who they will become.

So, in some ways I agree, but in some ways I disagree with this article.